So you don’ t think you will laugh? I tell you, you will! You still don’ t believe me? :)) Man, it hurts!
What the heck is this laughy stuff, anyway? Why in the world you need a guy to make you laugh?! Why do you need him? Why each time you want something there’ s always someone to shock you?! You want flowers for you loved one, to impress her; there you go: flower shops! Everywhere! You want chocolates; your wife hates you, you make her cry; you must buy her candies! => candy shops! (she’ s happy now). Your mother in law didn’ t like you before. You kinda liked her; now you love her; you trully do; who did it? Some guys; you needed a place to let her; they offered; they said they were from funeral services; they convinced you.
You have a dog. His name is Gopo. It’ s a big one. You walk him through the park. Suddenly, an 80 years old man with this loved one besides, holding him tight, is yelling at you: “why don’ t you keep him in the dog area? I will call the dog pound!” - There you go: he found the solution. Next move? You let your dog running free.
You are in the park with Gopo. The dog is running free. You find a girl! You like her. You wanna talk to her. You send a ball near her, hoping the dog will go after it. She has a pudel. The dog gave up the ball. The pudel is shocked. So as the woman. She tells you she’ s angry and you must keep the dog on a lishe. You smile and go. Gopo is happy.
So as you see, each time we have a problem, always a guru will appear! It’ s the law of the nature. Yes I’ m the guru! Yes, I’ m the man who wrote these lines. I don’ t buy flowers to my girlfriend, my wife hates me, but Idon’ t care, and my mother in law….Well…let’ s say… I made some plans…
Well, you see? I already made you laugh! There you go!
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