Why some girls just don' t know how to laugh?  

Publicat de Octavian Ghergheli

Oh, boy. Here it goes...You met someone. I' m sure you did. You asked her on a date. She said yes and the big day came. You met on a park, both kissed on the chick, "How are you? Fine, you? Same, thanks!" -etc etc...and then start talking...Whether you saw it or not, she kept wathing you..EVERY move you made, every step you took. She' d been watching you! You did your best to show your best part, you asked her question to know her better, a few jokes....But she, just like a grizzly bear was smelling you all over. Analyzing and watching...From your head down to your toe. Any possible mistake, word, gest, thought. She was there to catch you! Muhaha!...To grab you and then....no, not eat you but drawin' a conclusion about you.

Now here comes the best part! You made a joke. A nice one. It' s one about a rabbit, with his long ears and hop-hop walking. She put a thing like this ";))" not so much, just her left hand covering her face. Yes! She wanted discretion! She was so softly..She was like a flower. The way you tell the joke must be in a soft and gentle way... You don' t want to "grab" her. You can see the way she reacts, is like a flower that waits for the spring to rise upon the sky... No, I' m seriously! You talked to her about the rabbit!...in a strange and funny way. The rabbit, with his long ears, doing funny things in the grass. And all she did was ";))". That's all! Just smiling discreetly with her left hand covering her face.

Why can' t she just open the mouth loud and clear and scream for laughing with all her powers? She' d feel baaad. All the people staring at her? What would have happened to that beautiful flower? Or maybe, you are the 99th boy with the bunny with long ears and hop-hop walking...

You tried another thing. You read an article back in time. It said stuff about being natural. Girls like boys this way. So, while walking you saw some ducks on the lake. Grabbed some stones and started to throw at them. The ducks became agitated and starting to fly all over. You scared her. "I was just joking, you said!". "-Yes, I know..." Again - ";))"- but this time even MORE discreetly.

The same article said you must make her feel confortable and relaxed near you. So you did. You chose to tell her jokes. You thought the bunny is her favourite animal. But a grizzly doesn' t like rabbits. But it' s ok, you didn' t know. A few minutes later: "-Sabrina, two guys chatting on mess: one: -Look, it' s snowing! the other one: -Really? give me the link!". And then, as you hadn' t known before...- ":;))". That' s all. ALL you got from her. Just this: ";))". After all the things u did for her... Man, she was bored.

And then you did it. You said yourself: "Hey, what the heck? What can I lose?". And finally hit the jackpot: "- I was a virgin 'till 20! So, don' t worry!" She suddenly felt exhausted. A little walk... A 10 minutes juice on a club. Times up! She' s in a hurry. You remained with the bunny. But with the hope.

The next day came. you waited a little, then picked up the phone. "-Hi, Sabrina! -Hi Tom! [...] -Roses are red, my eyes are blue...-Tom, I have a boyfriend." and you and your bunny remained walking alone on the grass...

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .

8 comentarii

pentru ca s-a straduit prea mult. :) naturalul nu se invata :P


cel mai frumos articol asta,si suna atat de bine in engleza,asta chiar e amuzant.Si bancurile din el.


fetele nu rad cu gura pana la urechi si nu fac gesturi naturale pentru ca le pasa prea mult de imaginea pe care o creeaza in fata societatii.


pacat ca nu stie sa rada! viata e mult mai frumoasa cand razi.

@iri: Saracu' baiat. A vrut si el sa se faca placut... :P

@anonymous: Merci frumos. Si mie-mi pare amuzant :P

@a: Zici tu? :) Uite ca sunt fete trecute prin destule probleme, care-au invatat sa aprecieze lucrurile "marunte" din viata, fete pentru care societatea n-a fost acolo sa le-ajute la nevoie, si care, tocmai, rad cu pofta, bucurandu-se de viata, de momentele alea "banale", fete care se duc prin Cismigiu si arunca firimituri de paine la porumbei, care alearga prin ploaie zambind "copilareste", si care nu "strang in ele" infasurate intr-o discretie maxima, de teama unor reactii din partea unor straini! Teama de penibil nu se justifica! Nu a rade cu pofta inseamna a fi penibil si a-ti crea o imagine care sa dezamageasca, ci comportamentul, atitudinea ta, in raport cu ceilalti! ;)

@carmen: Asa e Carmen, viata e mai frumoasa cand razi! ;)


Ba se mai justifica si teama de penibil. Atunci cand oamenii te ataca pentru felul in care esti ai tendinta de a te inchide in sine si de a nu iti mai exterioriza rasul fata de altii. Unii oameni invata ca e mai bine sa isi traiasca bucuria pe interior pentru ca exteriorul nu prea apreciaza.

@A: Draga A, tie chiar iti pasa de parerea "lumii"? Daca ei te "ataca" si tu bati in defensiva, si alegi sa nu te mai exteriorizezi, de teama de cum te privesc ei, inseamna ca ai cedat in fata lor...asta ca fapt marunt, dar ulterior, cand lucrurile se amplifica, sa descoperi ca de fapt viata ta graviteaza-n jurul lor. Practic tu te-ai raporta la ei. N-ai vrea asta, nu? :) Pe de alta parte... trebuie ca cineva sa-ti aprecieze "bucuria", sau tu s-o faci? Nu zambesti pentru "lume", ci pentru tine! Nu faci nimic ca sa multumesti pe cineva, ci ca sa te multumesti pe tine! :)


asa e, inseamna ca am eu ceva cu lumea.